Membership is the life-blood of our charity and is open to all, whether you are living with Chiari malformationAn anatomical abnormality affecting the lowermost part of brain, where it joins the spinal cord, at the top of the neck. Various sub-types are described – see under their individual names. The term hindbrain hernia is sometimes used to incorporate all forms. and/or syringomyeliaA cavity, within the spinal cord, which is filled with cerebrospinal fluid. Syringomyelia cavities come in various “shapes and sizes”, from short, spindle-shaped cavities through to long, tense cavities extending throughout the greater part of the spinal cord. Read more, you are a family member, friend or carer. Maybe you are interested in the vital work we do? We need your support, so please don’t hesitate. Get involved, we’d love to hear from you. Your support really can make all the difference.
We can send you a pack to help you with your fundraising efforts. Please send us an email to let us know what you’re planning to do, and what support from us that you might need. We’d love to hear from you!