This is a process when one of the body organs, or part of it, physically wastes away. This usually results from that body part being
This is a process when one of the body organs, or part of it, physically wastes away. This usually results from that body part being
That part of the nervous system that controls processes that are not under voluntary control, such as sweating, responses to exercise and digestive processes.
The Charity appreciates that hospital specialists will almost inevitably use some medical jargon at times, even when they are trying to explain medical matters in lay terminology. The table below lists many of the medical terms that are likely to be used, from time-to-time, by doctors, when they are talking to patients, or in composing medical correspondence. It is hoped that our explanation of the meaning of these terms throws at least some light on matters.
One of the missions of the Ann Conroy Trust is to re-establish a network of local support group meetings. Whilst attending the annual meeting in
This is being co-ordinated by Jane Yates. Following an appeal for volunteers Jane is now moving forward with arranging training suitable for the Charity. A
The Autumn 2023 Meeting was a great success with old friends meeting up again and new friendships being made.