On rare occasions a syringomyeliaA cavity, within the spinal cord, which is filled with cerebrospinal fluid. Syringomyelia cavities come in various “shapes and sizes”, from short, spindle-shaped cavities through to long, tense cavities extending throughout the greater part of the spinal cord. Read more cavity may enlarge in an upward direction, from the cervicalThe word cervix means neck. We all have a neck, holding up our head. Ladies, in addition, have a neck (cervix) to their womb. The word cervical therefore refers to the neck. Ladies, at a certain age, are offered cervical screening – formerly known as smear tests. People with neck problems are sometimes given a collar to wear, commonly referred to as a cervical collar, although this is an unnecessary duplication of words; where else would a collar be worn? spinal cordThe main nerve trunk running down the spinal canal and connecting the individual’s mind and consciousness to the rest of his or her body. It is about the size of a person’s little finger, in diameter. It cannot repair itself if damaged., into the brain stemThis is the most primitive part of the brain, connecting the rest of the brain to the body, via the spinal cord. In addition to feeding signals to and from such “higher centres”, the brain stem contains a number of important control centres, regulating vital functions such as breathing and blood pressure.. The word bulb refers to the brain stemThis is the most primitive part of the brain, connecting the rest of the brain to the body, via the spinal cord. In addition to feeding signals to and from such “higher centres”, the brain stem contains a number of important control centres, regulating vital functions such as breathing and blood pressure. and syringobulbia refers to a cerebrospinal fluidThis clear, water-like fluid forms, for the most part, within the brain, more specifically inside the ventricles of the brain. Blood flows through structures inside the ventricles, called the choroid plexuses, and clear fluid is produced as a result, passing into the ventricle. This process is akin to blood flowing through the kidneys and urine being produced as a result. An important difference is that, unlike urine, the cerebrospinal fluid is not passed out of the body periodically. Instead, the fluid is re-absorbed back into the blood stream, mostly via the arachnoid granulations, into the cerebral venous sinuses. In the course of a 24-hour period, most healthy adults will produce about 500mls (or a pint) of cerebrospinal fluid, although at... containing cavity within the brain stemThis is the most primitive part of the brain, connecting the rest of the brain to the body, via the spinal cord. In addition to feeding signals to and from such “higher centres”, the brain stem contains a number of important control centres, regulating vital functions such as breathing and blood pressure..