Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
A group of disorders of connective tissue that have an hereditary basis and which can affect various body parts, including the skin, joints and blood
Embryo / Embryonic
The name given to the developing child in the womb, in particular during the first two months of its existence – during later stages of
The study of how our bodies form, from the moment that a single sperm fertilises an egg, until birth.
Endoscopic Third Ventriculostomy
A minimally invasive operation (“keyhole surgery”) performed upon the brain, through a single hole drilled in the skull. Through this is passed an instrument called
A single layer of cells that line the ventricles of the brain and the central canal of the spinal cord.
A medical term is described as being eponymous when it is the name of a person or a place. The literal translation of the Greek
The Charity appreciates that hospital specialists will almost inevitably use some medical jargon at times, even when they are trying to explain medical matters in lay terminology. The table below lists many of the medical terms that are likely to be used, from time-to-time, by doctors, when they are talking to patients, or in composing medical correspondence. It is hoped that our explanation of the meaning of these terms throws at least some light on matters.