Additional Information
Payment can be made by cheque, standing order or bank transfer. If you decide to pay by
standing order, complete the bottom section of the form. This will then need to be detached and
sent to your bank.
Members will receive a copy of our magazine, which is published twice a year. Corporate members
will receive recognition, in our magazine, if they wish.
The magazine remains one of our principal means of communicating with our members and is
therefore sent to all paid-up members. Indeed, the membership fee of £15 per annum just about
covers our outgoings in producing it. The Charity’s main sources of income are from fundraising
and donations. In order to keep these assets for teaching, research & support activities, we restrict
automatic circulation of our magazine to subscribing members only. Please do, therefore, keep
your membership subscriptions up-to-date and do also inform us of any change of address. We
only keep contact details about you on our mailing list and no other information. We will not
release your contact details to any other parties. Any notifications about events, requests for
participation in research projects etc, will all be made via our Charity magazine.
Members will also receive a subsidised rate to attend our Annual meetings.