Join us

Membership is the life-blood of our charity and is open to all, whether you are living with Chiari malformation and/or syringomyelia, you are a family member, friend or carer.  Maybe you are interested in the vital work we do? We need your support, so please don’t hesitate. Get involved, we’d love to hear from you. Your support really can make all the difference.

A few of the benefits:

Membership Options

Subscriptions for membership renewals are due on the 1st of January each year. We currently offer a range of memberships, details below:

Type of MembershipAmount
IndividualJoining Fee£15
Annual Renewal£15
Lifetime* Membership£250
JointLifetime* Membership£350
CorporateAnnual Renewal£50
Lifetime* Membership£1,000

*Life membership means for the lifetime of the member, whilst the charity is in existence.

Ready to join?


Apply Online

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Gift Aid Declaration
If you are a tax payer and would like to gift aid tax paid on all monies given to the Charity, please fill in this application. It allows the Charity to claim the pre-paid tax on your donation and subscription from HMRC.

  1. You must pay an amount of income tax and/or capital gainns tax at least equal to the tax that the charity reclaims on your donation in the tax year (currently 25p in the £1 you give)
  2. You can cancel this declaration at any time, by notifying the charity
  3. If you are unsure whether your donations qualify for gift aid tax relief, ask the charity, or ask your local tax office for leaflet IR65
  4. Please notify the charity if you change your name or address

If you selected Cheque...
  • Please make all cheques payable to "Ann Conroy Trust", and then send to:

    The Gateway, 85-101
    Sankey Street
    Warrington, Cheshire
    WA1 1SR

If you selected Bank Transfer...

  • Name: Ann Conroy Trust
  • Account no: 00011969
  • Sort code: 40-52-40
  • Reference: Your initials + postcode (eg. BLL-SO185NG)

If you selected Standing order...

  • Please set up a standing order with your bank, using the account number and sort code above. Please set it up so that the membership is paid now, and also subsequently on the 1st of January each year until, further notice.

Additional Information

Payment can be made by cheque, standing order or bank transfer. If you decide to pay by standing order, complete the bottom section of the form. This will then need to be detached and sent to your bank. Members will receive a copy of our magazine, which is published twice a year. Corporate members will receive recognition, in our magazine, if they wish. The magazine remains one of our principal means of communicating with our members and is therefore sent to all paid-up members. Indeed, the membership fee of £15 per annum just about covers our outgoings in producing it. The Charity’s main sources of income are from fundraising and donations. In order to keep these assets for teaching, research & support activities, we restrict automatic circulation of our magazine to subscribing members only. Please do, therefore, keep your membership subscriptions up-to-date and do also inform us of any change of address. We only keep contact details about you on our mailing list and no other information. We will not release your contact details to any other parties. Any notifications about events, requests for participation in research projects etc, will all be made via our Charity magazine. Members will also receive a subsidised rate to attend our Annual meetings.

Please help keep this information free

Our charity relies on financial support to allow us to keep our resources available to everyone, at all times of the day, for free. We are run entirely by the support of our wonderful volunteers, who help us in their own time. If you find this resource useful, please consider donating to help us to fund further research, events, and other helpful & related activities.