The individual vertebrae that make up the spinal column are themselves composed of different parts, including the body, the pedicles, the transverse processes and the
The individual vertebrae that make up the spinal column are themselves composed of different parts, including the body, the pedicles, the transverse processes and the
Ligaments are strong bands of fibrous tissue that hold two bones together at joints. They differ from tendons, which join muscles to bones and which
An abnormal lump made out of fatty tissue. Lipomas are commonly found in the normal fat layer under the skin, the layer referred to as
Headaches caused by drainage of cerebrospinal fluid from the head. This drainage may follow a lumbar puncture or be via an implanted cerebrospinal shunt system.
See cranial nerves. The lowermost of these nerves come off the lower part of the brain stem and are vulnerable to damage during surgery on
The small of the back, below the ribcage or, in neurological practice, the spine in this region.
A long needle is passed into the lower part of the spine, in order to remove some cerebrospinal fluid. This may be to reduce pressure
The Charity appreciates that hospital specialists will almost inevitably use some medical jargon at times, even when they are trying to explain medical matters in lay terminology. The table below lists many of the medical terms that are likely to be used, from time-to-time, by doctors, when they are talking to patients, or in composing medical correspondence. It is hoped that our explanation of the meaning of these terms throws at least some light on matters.
One of the missions of the Ann Conroy Trust is to re-establish a network of local support group meetings. Whilst attending the annual meeting in
The launch date for the new Telephone Helpline is 26th November 2024. The number to ring after this date is 03330 149 450. Following a
The Autumn 2023 Meeting was a great success with old friends meeting up again and new friendships being made.