The various organs of the body are made up of different types of tissueIn everyday speech a piece of tissue is a thin sheet of paper, used to wrap a present or, in a slightly different form, to blow the nose, or to be used in the toilet. In biology the word tissue refers to living material made up of cells or groups of cells of similar type or types. We may speak, for example, of nerve tissue or of fatty tissue, of glandular tissue or of connective tissue. Individual organs of the body, such as the brain, the heart, the liver or the kidneys, are made up of several tissue types, almost always including connective tissue., according to the function that the organ fulfils. Brain, bone, muscle, skin, lung and liver tissueIn everyday speech a piece of tissue is a thin sheet of paper, used to wrap a present or, in a slightly different form, to blow the nose, or to be used in the toilet. In biology the word tissue refers to living material made up of cells or groups of cells of similar type or types. We may speak, for example, of nerve tissue or of fatty tissue, of glandular tissue or of connective tissue. Individual organs of the body, such as the brain, the heart, the liver or the kidneys, are made up of several tissue types, almost always including connective tissue. all appear very different under the microscope but they all contain variable amounts of connective tissueIn everyday speech a piece of tissue is a thin sheet of paper, used to wrap a present or, in a slightly different form, to blow the nose, or to be used in the toilet. In biology the word tissue refers to living material made up of cells or groups of cells of similar type or types. We may speak, for example, of nerve tissue or of fatty tissue, of glandular tissue or of connective tissue. Individual organs of the body, such as the brain, the heart, the liver or the kidneys, are made up of several tissue types, almost always including connective tissue., essentially holding the remaining tissueIn everyday speech a piece of tissue is a thin sheet of paper, used to wrap a present or, in a slightly different form, to blow the nose, or to be used in the toilet. In biology the word tissue refers to living material made up of cells or groups of cells of similar type or types. We may speak, for example, of nerve tissue or of fatty tissue, of glandular tissue or of connective tissue. Individual organs of the body, such as the brain, the heart, the liver or the kidneys, are made up of several tissue types, almost always including connective tissue. in place. Structures such as tendons and ligamentsLigaments are strong bands of fibrous tissue that hold two bones together at joints. They differ from tendons, which join muscles to bones and which move joints when muscles contract., which have a purely “holding together” function are made up almost entirely of connective tissueIn everyday speech a piece of tissue is a thin sheet of paper, used to wrap a present or, in a slightly different form, to blow the nose, or to be used in the toilet. In biology the word tissue refers to living material made up of cells or groups of cells of similar type or types. We may speak, for example, of nerve tissue or of fatty tissue, of glandular tissue or of connective tissue. Individual organs of the body, such as the brain, the heart, the liver or the kidneys, are made up of several tissue types, almost always including connective tissue.. CollagenSee connective tissue. and elastinSee connective tissue. are the principal forms of connective tissueIn everyday speech a piece of tissue is a thin sheet of paper, used to wrap a present or, in a slightly different form, to blow the nose, or to be used in the toilet. In biology the word tissue refers to living material made up of cells or groups of cells of similar type or types. We may speak, for example, of nerve tissue or of fatty tissue, of glandular tissue or of connective tissue. Individual organs of the body, such as the brain, the heart, the liver or the kidneys, are made up of several tissue types, almost always including connective tissue..